With the announcement from the Government about Schools closing for the foreseeable future, it does look more and more like we are in for the long haul. So, we're going to try and add something new to the blog everyday. As Pastors' like alliteration (or certainly Chris seems to have done recently!) each day of the week will have a two word title like the above. So, if you find yourself with nothing to do - perhaps try and guess what's coming?!
"Wednesday Wisdom" will see us look at Proverbs over the coming Wednesdays - and where better to start than the introduction which tells us, firstly, that proverbs are given to us:
"for gaining wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:2a)
As we all face very different and difficult circumstances, may it be that we turn to God's word more in order to gain the wisdom and instruction that we need in order to navigate our way forward. When will you spend time in God's word tomorrow? And let's also pray that God in his grace would give wisdom and instruction to our leaders.
Prayer Bulletin Update
We plan to publish a Prayer Bulletin each week, and are beginning to gather things for the first edition. It would be really good for us to be praying for any of you who are on the front line: working in the NHS or other related areas. Please could you email me over the coming few days if you would like to be included by name in a section focussed on NHS workers.