The beginning of a new term brings with it the prospect of beginning a new series, both on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings. Over the next two days we’ll be sharing some blogs giving an overview of this terms teaching.
Sunday Mornings
Resurrection Hope (3 weeks)
As we come out of the Easter period we are all familiar with the idea of the resurrection as we celebrate Jesus being raised from the dead.
Scripture tells us that because of this we can now look towards the end of our this life in hope because death will not be the end.
But what does this actually mean or look like for me?
Over the next 3 Sunday mornings we will be breaking down this idea of Resurrection Hope as we look at different passages and see what God teaches us through His Word.
Sunday 24th April - Resurrection Hope: What happens when we die? (1 Thess 4:13-18)
Sunday 1st May - Resurrection Hope: What will eternity be like? (1 Cor 15:35-58)
Sunday 8th May - Resurrection Hope: Where should our focus be? (John 14:1-6/Phil 1:20-26)
CBC Vision Areas (6 weeks)
Why does Cheam Baptist Church exist?
How do we helpfully function as a church to help the church do what its meant to be doing?
Over the past few years the elders have been working through questions like these.
On our Sunday mornings in May and June we’ll be working through 6 words which we feel act as helpful distinctives for what we should be about as a church.
Each word covers a different aspect of church life and we’ll be drawing on different passages in scripture to help us understand why each word is significant and what this might look like going forward.
Sunday 15th May CBC Vision – Worship
Sunday 22nd May CBC Vision – Grow
Sunday 29th May CBC Vision – Equip
Sunday 5th June CBC Vision – Witness
Sunday 12th June CBC Vision – Connect
Sunday 19th June CBC Vision – Partner
Please do be in prayer that God would speak to us as we come to his Word and look at these topics. We need to be a church that grows together as His Spirit works through His Word in scripture. We therefore need to pray that God would be at work in us and through us as we hear from Him.