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Sunday Services - January 2022 update


The dawning of a New Year brings with it a range of emotions and questions.

One big questions is whether 2022 will be the year where we see the end of Covid restrictions or whether there are more restrictions around the corner?

At the moment the restrictions announced just before Christmas have had a minimal effect on our gatherings but here’s a fresh update on what our church services in January will look like.

Sunday Mornings

In person gatherings (with a live stream option)

After spending so many months online in the first lockdown we continue to be grateful for the ability to gather in person at the church. There is something hugely significant in physically gathering together as a local church with the opportunity to be shaped by God’s Word, to pray together and to sing praises to Him (as well as be an encouragement to those around us).

We also continue to appreciate that some people will choose to join us online via the YouTube whilst there is a high level of risk.

Face coverings remain a legal requirement for churches unless you are exempt. Despite the government allowing face masks to be removed whilst singing we have taken the decision to keep our face masks to prevent unnecessary transmission among us.


With capacity in the main church limited as we maintain a level of social distancing we will continue to use the overflow in the Lower Hall. As before Christmas there will be a rota for the coming term with Growth Groups being given certain Sundays to sit in the overflow together.

Children and Youth Ministry

Our children and youth ministries return after a Christmas break. Creche (0-2 ½ year olds), Starters (2 ½-5 year olds), Sunday Kids Club (5-11 year olds) and Covies (11-14 year olds) will continue to meet in their groups during the sermon on a Sunday morning.


With infections so high we have decided to not offer refreshments after the morning service during January. This is done with a heavy heart as I trust we have all felt the benefit of being able to spend time together after the service to listen to and encourage one another. We will keep reviewing this with the aim of returning to this in February if circumstances permit.


Communion services will continue to be held on the last Sunday of the month in our morning service. For those more vulnerable there will be an additional shorter service to attend and share the Lord’s Supper together.

Sunday Evenings

At the beginning of term we began meeting again at the church for our Sunday evening services. The format was changed slightly with refreshments offered on arrival with a chance to catch up before the service. We then split the service into time in God’s Word before then spending time in prayer in small groups.

Again…with a heavy heart we have decided to go back on Zoom for our Sunday evenings during January whilst local infections remain high. We hope to return to in person at the church in February.


As we close this update we do want to acknowledge the huge efforts from the various teams in the church to make all of the above possible. A huge thank you to the stewards, sound team, live stream team, musicians, refreshment team, VP operators and those involved in caring for & teaching our children and youth.

We continue to trust that in his sovereignty God is working his purposes out…even during Covid.



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