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Sunday Services Covid Changes

Where are we currently? Since Plan B restrictions were lifted at the end of January, we have reverted to the following Covid mitigations: - Facemasks encouraged, especially when we sing

- 2 growth groups being asked to sit in the overflow

- Every other row being used for social distancing at the rear of the church

These were the same mitigations as we had used throughout the autumn term. What is the latest advice?

As of 25th February, the following government advice applies (COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship - GOV.UK (

It includes the following guidelines:

There is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering. The government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet.

Social distancing in a place of worship is now a personal choice. People are encouraged to respect other attendees and those working who may wish to adopt a more cautious approach.

When worship takes place inside or in other enclosed spaces, consider how the space can be continually well ventilated, before, during and after.

What does this mean going forward?

From Sunday 6th March the following will apply in our Sunday services:

1. Face masks now a personal choice (even when singing)

With the risks of Covid lowering, wearing face masks will now be a personal choice in our services. We appreciate that some of us will continue to feel the need to wear one, but the expectation and encouragement to do so will no longer apply. The church building will continue to be well ventilated via the windows and doors, which with the high ceilings, helps it not to be an "enclosed space". Hand sanitiser will continue to be available by the entrances.

2. All seats available in the main church

All pews and chairs will be available on a Sunday morning. There will continue to be some natural spreading out as we get used to sitting near one another again with some people possibly feeling more comfortable next to a window or door. Using all the seats will hopefully help with capacity as more people feel able to come back to church in the coming weeks. It will also mean we can remove the encouragement for Growth Groups to take turns in sitting out in the Lower Hall overflow.

3. The Lower Hall available as a safer zone.

The Lower Hall will be available for those wishing to maintain a level of distance. Facemasks will be encouraged here, especially when singing, with the seats remaining distanced and windows open for ventilation. The service will continue to be livestreamed for those in the overflow as well as those who are housebound.

4. The Lord’s Supper

Bread will continue to be chopped up into small pieces so that bread doesn’t need to be handled as it goes around. However, it will no longer be placed on cocktail sticks. The trays of wine will be passed along the rows rather than be taken to people individually by the servers.

Over the last two years, we've recognised that as a congregation we have all been impacted by covid-19 in different ways. Some of us are still wary of the virus because of our own health conditions or those of our loved ones. Some of us have lost loved ones to covid-19. Some of us have struggled to wear facemasks let alone sing in facemasks for various reasons. Some of us are still nervous about mixing with others, whilst some of us have got used to mixing with others without masks because of our workplace or social activities. Let's continue to bear with one another. And please keep feeding back to us as leaders, as we seek to navigate our way forward as a church family.

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