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Sunday evenings at CBC


After spending the last 20 months on Zoom for our Sunday evening services, this coming Sunday (3rd October) sees a re-launch of our Sunday evening ‘in-person’ services. As we prepare to do this we wanted to reflect briefly on 2 questions:

1. What are the benefits of gathering a second time on Sundays?

- It is another opportunity to gather together to worship and hear from God through His Word and encourage one another in our faith

When asked why she attended church twice on a Sunday an older lady at the church I grew up in replied,

“Why would I not want to have the chance to meet with my fellow believers?! Why would I decide to miss the privilege of hearing from God’s Word again?!”

That reply has always stuck with me! There is a privilege we can benefit from as Christians when gather for fellowship, worship and to hear from God’s word. This echoes the pattern of the early church sought to gather whenever they had the opportunity to (every day according to Acts 2:46).

- It is a weekly opportunity to hear testimonies and to pray together

Our pattern over the last 20 months on Zoom has been to incorporate more opportunities to hear from different people (testimonies, ministries or hearing about their personal walk).

We’ve also deliberately devoted a portion of Sunday evenings to praying together, both as one group, but also in smaller groups (now affectionately known as ‘Break Out groups’).

We are very keen to include these aspects as we seek to gather ‘in-person’ once again on a Sunday evening as both of these things are harder to include on Sunday mornings. And we’ve decided to make Sunday evening’s our main time of prayer each week. Praying together is crucial as a church.

2. How will we be seeking to use this service?

Meeting in the Main Hall - Our evening services will be held in the Main Hall. This provides a more flexible space where we can spread out and sit in smaller groups. In spreading out in this way there will be less need for face masks during the service (it will be up to each individual to make that decision) although we will still be encouraging face masks when we sing together.

Outline of a normal Sunday evening service

- 6-6:30pm – Informal time with refreshments

- 6:30-7:30pm – Evening service (6:15pm - Zoom meeting begins for those online)

The Car Park doors at the church will open from 6pm. On arrival they’ll be a time to collect a warm drink (or cold if you’d prefer) as well as some snacky refreshments in the Main Hall. The groups of 6-8 chairs spread out across the Main Hall for you to sit and chat in before the service begins.

Sing - The services will begin with a chance to sing together.

God’s Word - We will then turn to God’s Word. This term will see us look at the book of 1 Peter in the first half of our evening service.

Discussion / Questionssome weeks, there will be opportunity to discuss or ask questions as we seek to understand God’s word together.

Testimony/Interview – Each week they’ll then be a chance to hear from different folk as they share their personal testimony or hear what they’re up to at the moment.

Prayer in small groups – We will then go into smaller groups we’re sat in to turn what we’ve heard into prayer. This will include an opportunity to pray for other people or ministries in the life of the church and beyond.

Zoom option for those unable to attend ‘in-person’ - We are seeking to make this service accessible to all through continuing to use Zoom for those who cannot join us physically. This Zoom link will enable those on Zoom to see and hear the service (like a livestream) but also join in the prayer time in small groups by praying with those also on Zoom.

We trust this is seen as a positive step as we seek to move forward as a church family. Whether you’ve been a faithful part of our Zoom Sunday evenings over lockdown or you’ve fallen out of that routine we trust there will be a fresh enthusiasm to join in on Sunday evenings.



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