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Sunday Capacity


Last Sunday morning it was a real delight to celebrate two things that we haven’t done as a church since lockdown began.

Firstly, and best of all, we witnessed three baptisms. It was a great encouragement to hear three different stories of how Jesus has been at work bringing hope and salvation.

Secondly, after months of DIY coffee in the park or on the Library Green, we began to serve coffee in the halls. It meant that not only could we give a hospitable welcome to friends and family of those who were baptised, but we could also enjoy fellowship together as a church family.

Over the last couple of weeks, it has also been lovely to see more people returning to physical church. So, as our numbers grow, I thought it was worth outlining some of the steps we are taking to try and increase our capacity without causing overcrowding.

Continuing with two zones

In the church auditorium, we are continuing to have two zones of seating. Socially distanced seating will continue at the back of the church with every other pew being used. Those happy to sit less socially distanced will use every row at the front. We’re thankful for our stewards who are helping us with this – and asking everyone on entry which zone they would like to sit in.

Facemasks are still optional but we are encouraging their use, especially when we sing.

Proactively using the Overflow

By dividing up into two zones our capacity continues to be reduced from the numbers we could normally fit in on a Sunday morning. To try and maintain enough room in the main auditorium and to ensure that we don’t have to ask guests or newcomers to go into the overflow, we are asking a Growth Group at a time (sometimes two at a time for special services) to take turns in sitting in the Lower Hall to watch the service together on the big TV screen.

We realise that everyone would rather be in the main church building together. However, by taking it in turns to sit in the overflow it is a way that we can serve each other. With a growth group together, it means that singing in the overflow is still possible, and conversations can take place before and after the service. These are both things which aren’t quite the same when we watch the service at home on our own.

Refreshments after church

Finally, the re-introduction of refreshments after church is slightly different to how it operated pre-lockdown. There isn’t enough space to serve these in the church like we did before, especially with the camera and livestream desk located where the coffee table used to be. So, we have decided to serve coffee in the halls.

There is more space here, and more ventilation. But we are asking please for parents to keep an eye on their children with hot drinks around and doors to the building potentially not being secure. We will also be locking the Creche / Starters rooms after the service too, to try and ensure that toys etc remain covid safe.

Sunday Evenings

Please also remember that Sunday Evenings have returned with a slightly new format. We’re meeting in the halls for refreshments from 6pm before starting officially at 6:30pm. Seating is in small groups around the Main Hall with the hour long service containing a mixture of songs, teaching, interview and prayer. We’re thankful again to our tech teams who have enabled this service to also be accessible on zoom for those who are unable to come along physically.

In all these things we keep looking to the Lord for his guidance - and praying that he keeps us united as a church family.

Photo by Noah on Unsplash



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