I saw a tweet from another Pastor today which said: "Feast on the word, ration the news". That's good advice for all of us. Let's remember to step away from social media and constant TV news in order to spend time in God's word.
Tomorrow we hope to all do that as we seek to live-stream our services.
Please follow this link for our services by 10:30am tomorrow:
The Morning Service will begin with a couple of songs. There is a link on the YouTube channel for you to follow in order to play these songs. You can then listen / sing along at home.
Then the live video from the Church will begin at 10:45am and will include a talk for the Children, Prayers, Bible Reading and Sermon.
We'll then post some links to a couple of songs which will help us all respond to God's word.
In the evening, the video will be available to watch at 6.30pm. It will be shorter than the morning, but will lead us into a time of prayer. Lots of churches are joining together in a National Day of Prayer tomorrow. The video will include some teaching on Psalm 22 followed by some pointers to prayer.
Please do be praying for tomorrow - that the technology would work, and that although we cannot join together physically, we would still enjoy fellowship with the Lord, and afterwards through phone calls or social media "...encourage one another and build each other up" (1 Thess 5:11). If you're not able to follow along live tomorrow, the services will still be able to be seen afterwards.
And perhaps give a thought to those in our church family who don't have the internet and who won't be able to follow along at home. Is there someone you could ring up on the telephone tomorrow to encourage?

Brilliant many thanks Chris and Nigel....a HUGE thank you to the amazing tech team!!