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Reflections from a lockdown service!

“We’ll hopefully see you in a few weeks (maybe even a month or two) when this Covid thing has gone away!”

Those were the thoughts many of us had after our last physical gathering at church almost a year ago now. Few if any of us would have imagined that the lockdown restrictions would still be in place almost a year later!

The government roadmap announced on Monday will hopefully see a very gradual lifting of restrictions over the next few months as they track infections. We praise God for providing able scientists to produce vaccines that give us the hope of an end to this pandemic as well as the planning that has gone in to the vaccine rollout in the UK which means such a roadmap is possible.

Despite the positives in looking at the 4 stage plan it seems clear that it will be a while before we are able to gather all together again as a church family, certainly in the way we were able to before March 2020. However, in God’s goodness the government in England has allowed churches to continue to meet in a Covid secure way.

We’re no doubt all aware of the limitations and frustrations of meeting in this way.

We all miss singing together (what a day this will be when we sing our first song back together!).

We miss being able to greet and sit next to one another in church (whether a shake of the hand or a hug!).

We miss sharing life over a cup of tea or coffee after the service.

We miss coming around the Lord’s Table together to have that physical reminder of Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf.

We miss being led in prayer and hearing a chorus of voices joining us in a hearty ‘Amen’.

With all these restrictions is there any benefit in meeting together ‘in person’?

Here are a mixture of personal reflections and thoughts from those who have attended a lockdown services outlining 3 benefits to hold on to as we consider an ‘in person’ return to church.

1. The encouragement of eye contact

We have all been grateful for technology over the past year.

The chance to use Zoom for services, Growth Groups, Children’s and Youth Work and for prayer meetings has been invaluable. We trust the ability to watch church services on YouTube (both live and pre-recorded) have helped us persevere in our faith through what have been challenging times.

Whilst technology has enabled many things it cannot replace the connection felt when we physically make eye contact with one another. Walking in to church on a Sunday morning and being able to make eye contact with those we walk past has been a real encouragement to me personally and us as a family. A physical reminder that we are part of a physical church family and to acknowledge that with a wink or a nod of the head.

2. The helpful discipline of a Sunday routine

Many of us have enjoyed a slightly slower pace of life over the last year. No doubt we’ve all had those Sunday mornings where we’ve suddenly realised the time and have rushed downstairs half dressed to tune into the online service. Whilst this may be enjoyable it may not always help us be prepared to engage our hearts and minds. There is a real helpfulness in the routine of having to get up, getting physically ready and then making our way to church ready to engage our hearts in worship and to receive from God’s Word.

3. The refreshment and enjoyment of hearing God’s Word read and preached alongside others

As Christians we believe that God’s Word is a living Word. It is the food which we feed upon to grow in our faith. As God’s Word is read and preached the Holy Spirit is at work in our hearts calling unbelievers to repent and shaping believers into the Living Word’s image in Christ. We can obviously draw huge benefits from reading the Bible on our own. We trust God’s Word has the power to feed us as it is streamed or recorded. Yet God’s Word is enjoyed in its fullness when part of a corporate gathering of God’s people. It was for this reason that the early church gathered on a daily basis as they ‘devoted’ themselves to the apostles teaching (Acts 2:42). Aside from the personal joy as a pastor of preaching to people rather than a camera, we trust there is a real benefit from hearing from God together as we physically sit together and receive from God through His Word (even with masks on and seated in a socially distanced way!).

Many of us will be nervous of returning to church. Some of us may have got into habits which may need to be undone in order to return to church. Yet as we each consider when we might return to ‘in person’ gatherings I trust these benefits are helpful to contemplate. We also trust that as the next few weeks and months unfold that other benefits will be felt and enjoyed in addition to these.

And we remember our motivation as a church family:

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)

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