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Monday Meditation


"Your Kingdom Come..."

This is a big battle that we face every day:

Am I seeking MY kingdom or my heavenly Father's kingdom?

Am I working towards the Kingdom of self or the Kingdom of Jesus?

This battle is fought in the decisions we make whether big ones or small ones.

It's seen in what motives we have, what we daydream about, what we google, what we post, what we get upset about and where we find our enjoyment.

It plays out in our interactions and reactions within our work places, our marriages our families and our friendships.

And it's heard in what we pray for.

My Kingdom with me as King?

Or my Heavenly Father's Kingdom... where Jesus as King?

Am I expecting others to serve me in my Kingdom?

Or am I seeking first God's kingdom and desiring to serve him? (Matthew 6:33)

And so, just as Jesus re-orientates our hearts as we pray "Hallowed be your name"; so he re-orientates our hearts by teaching us to pray to our heavenly Father "Your kingdom come..." (Matthew 6:10).

Not my kingdom. But your kingdom.

In part this is a prayer for more people to come to know and submit to King Jesus - that's how his Kingdom comes today. It's what we were reminded of in Colossians last night as a reason for our joyful thanks to the Father...:

"...who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Col 1:12-14)

And in part this is a prayer for Jesus to return, that his Kingdom would fully come, banishing completely sin and Satan and suffering forever.

"Your Kingdom come"



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