If you’ve been following along on a Friday we’ve covered a variety of things about what God is like.
- God is Eternal
- God is Three in One
- God Knows Everything
- God is Everywhere
But how do we fit in to all this?
In Chapter 9 of Marty Machowski's ‘The Ology’ we consider how…
“We are created in God’s image!”
What does the Bible tell us?

“When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created.” (Gen 5:1-2)
That verse says quite a lot.
What can you spot that it tells us?
(God created us, we are made ‘like’ God, he made us male and female, he blessed them)
How are we ‘like God’?
God is very different to us.
God is Eternal…we had a beginning and will have an end.
God is Three in One…we are only one.
God knows everything…we have to learn and even then don’t know everything.
God is everywhere but we can only be in one place.
But there are ways that we reflect who God is.
Can you think of how we are similar to God? (see what you come up with)
Here are some thoughts if you’re stuck.
- We can speak
- We can make things (create with our hands)
- We can relate with each other (friends and family)
- We can love
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit has always lived in relationship with each other. They have always loved each other.
To be created in God’s image means to be able to love other people.

Who do you love?
- mum
- dad
- brothers and sisters (maybe sometimes!)
- grandparents
- friends
When we look at each other we are meant to see things which remind us of the God who created us.
We sometimes see other bad things as well (we’ll think of why that is next week).
When Jesus came to earth to die for us it was God showing he loved us.
John 3 v 16 –
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Thank God that he created us. Thank God that we are made in his image. Thank God that he has given us other people to love. Thank God that he loves us and that we can love him through the Lord Jesus.