“Early in the morning,” (John 21:4)
Let's look at the third of the early morning mentions of Peter and Jesus at the end of John's gospel.
Read John 21:1-19
Peter decides to go out fishing on the Sea of Galilee with 6 other disciples. But they catch nothing all night. Jesus, calls to them from the shore, telling them to throw their net off the other side of the boat, and they catch 153 fish! Jesus already has fish cooking on a fire on the beach and after breakfast, he speaks with Peter. It’s a painful conversation. “We need not doubt that our Lord like a skilful physician, stirred up this grief intentionally. He intended to prick the apostle’s conscience, and to teach him a serious lesson. If it was hurtful to the disciple to be questioned, how much more hurtful must it have been to the master to be denied!” (JC Ryle)
· Why does Jesus ask Peter the same thing three times? (Look back to John 13:38)
· What does Jesus repeatedly tell Peter to do from now on? What does the metaphor mean?
· What does Jesus say Peter’s death will do?
· How might our death achieve the same thing?
Main Application
The resurrected Jesus is gracious in restoring Peter publicly in front of the other disciples after his fall from grace. The words “Follow me” underline that he has been forgiven and re-commissioned.
My every need He richly will supply; Nor will His mercy ever let me die; In Him there dwells a treasure all divine, And matchless grace has made that treasure mine.
Let’s Pray:
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evermore, Amen.

Photo by Delphine Ducaruge on Unsplash