In light of yesterdays sermon on ‘Discipleship and Marriage’ from Mark 10:1-12 here are a few books that might be worth a look.

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel – Christopher Yuan
This is the book that was referenced in the sermon on the issue of same sex marriage. Christopher Yuan is someone who has struggled with same sex attraction and lived that desire out in his life before coming to faith.
The blurb on the back cover says…
“Holy Sexuality and the Gospel offers theological and practical insights that lead us to find our identity in Christ – not in our sexuality.”

The Meaning of Marriage – Tim & Kathy Keller
Tim and Kathy Keller are an American couple who have been married for over 35 years. Their book challenges us to think through the cultural expectations of marriage in comparison with what the Bible teaches us about marriage.
They also have a devotional book on marriage that goes alongside ‘The Meaning of Marriage’.

Marriage Matters - Winston T Smith
Winston T Smith writes to challenge us to 'live out God's extraordinary love in our most intimate relationship'. He encourages us to do that by day to day interactions where couples show their love for one another and for God in simple yet profound ways.