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Books worth a look...Sept!


After a longer than planned break the pastors blog is back...although perhaps in a different format than originally used before the summer break!

Our plan is to put a blog entry once (maybe twice) a week over the coming term.

At the beginning of a new term we thought we'd point you towards two great little books that might be worth getting hold of over the coming month.

Before You Open Your Bible? - Matt Smethurst

How do we approach God’s Word today?

We live in a culture where we expect to sit down and be entertained by what we watch or what we read. If it doesn’t draw us in then we quickly put it down and give up. That approach can begin to trickle into how we approach God’s Word, whether it be in our individual reading of it or our corporate gatherings as a church.

At its heart the book seeks to help us make Matt Smethurst does this by taking us through 9 simple heart postures that will help us approach God’s Word in the right way.

Can Science Explain Everything? - John Lennox

This book ties neatly in to our evangelistic event next Wednesday evening.

Science and religion have tended to be put as enemies in our minds.

Either we forget religion and trust completely in science or vice versa.

In his book Professor Lennox aims to help us see how Science can actually help us understand the universe God created more fully whilst also dispelling myths that have become part and parcel for what we believe about this world.

As Christians this is a helpful read as we engage with non-Christian friends and family. It may also be a good book to recommend or read through with those same friends for family.



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